





Laurent-Philippe Caron

FrontEnd Developer

©2024 Laurent-P. Caron



Endless Fantasy Art

Commission for a bilingual website for a graphic designer and illustrator. The website showcased various professional projects, contacts and other professional information.

Role: Development, content integration and deployment.

Astro Vue Sass Tailwind Amazon S3

Je cultive mon bien-être

A web resource about mental wellness targeted to Franco-Ontarian teachers and students from 1st to 12th grade.

Role: Development and content integration

© Le Centre Franco

Astro Markdown Tailwind SASS

Dico LSQ

Online dictionary for Quebec Sign Language. The site is a catalog of multiple words and sentences accompanied by illustrations and videos to facilitate learning sign language. The goal of the project was to convert a mobile app into a web app.

Role: Development and content integration

© Le Centre Franco


Une école équitable et inclusif & Droit de la personne

Two websites developed simultaneously for Franco-Ontarian teachers. The websites contain multiple resources to help teachers with subjects such as human rights and equity in education.

Role: Development and content integration of the “Continuum”, “Introduction” and “Droits de la personne” sections.

© Le Centre Franco

Vue Nuxt SASS JSON Bootstrap

About me


Hey sup!

I’m a coffee addict front-end Web developer living in Montreal, Canada. I worked and cooperated on numerous type of Website like portfolio, media Website and educative Websites.

Furthermore, I did two front-end developer internship at CBC/Radio-Canada & at Genaiz. Today, I work full time at Centre-Franco as a Front-End developer, where I was assigned to multiples projects.

While I’m not codding, I kill time by playing indies and old school game or try new cooking recipes.

I’m looking forward to speaking to you!

P.S. The one eyed fur ball is called Cinder and yes, she’s adorable.

Contact me

© Laurent-Philippe Caron, 2024

Endless Fantasy Art, & Font Awesome